How Can Koreans Learn Chinese Fast?

When Chinese people watch Korean dramas, such as What's Wrong With Secretary Kim 《金秘书为何那样》 & Crash Landing On You 《爱的迫降》, they will find that some specific words can be understood from conversations easily without subtitles, such as 秘书 secretary, 会议室 meeting room or 中队长 captain.

Yes, there are some words in Korean that sounds very close to Chinese, which makes it easier for Koreans to learn Chinese, or for Chinese people to learn Korean. Let’s take a look at these similar words in Chinese and Korean that can help your study.

Simplified Chinese
繁體字 Traditional
black tea 红茶 紅茶 hóngchá 홍차
green tea 绿茶 綠茶 lǜchá 녹차
secretary 秘书 秘書 mìshū 비서
sun 太阳 太陽 tàiyáng 태양
safety 安全 安全 ānquán 안전
victory 胜利 勝利 shènglì 승리
courage 勇气 勇氣 yǒngqì 용기
professor 教授 教授 jiàoshòu 교수
classroom 教室 教室 jiàoshì 교실
man 男子 男子 nánzi 남성
cold noodles 冷面 冷麵 lěng miàn 냉면
market 市场 市場 shìchǎng 시장
mayor 市长 市長 shìzhǎng 시장
transportation 交通 交通 jiāotōng 교통
indoor 室内 室內 shìnèi 실내
go sightseeing 观光 觀光 guānguāng 관광
prepare 准备 准備 zhǔnbèi 준비
agree 同意 同意 tóngyì 동의
cheers 干杯 乾杯 gānbēi 건배
princess 公主 公主 gōngzhǔ 공주
time 时间 時間 shíjiān 시각
move 移动 移動 yídòng 이동
meeting room 会议室 會議室 huìyì shì 회의실
credit card 信用卡 信用卡 xìnyòngkǎ 신용 카드
cosmetic 化妆品 化妝品 huàzhuāngpǐn 화장품
library 图书馆 圖書館 túshūguǎn 도서관

Click to play the Mandarin Chinese audio version of the word list.


Click to play the Korean audio version of the word list.

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