Chinese Buzzword-风口
Fengkou fēng kǒu 风口
n. wind tunnel; an area or sector where, for a period of time, all investors want to invest in.
Everyone stands a chance to fly when there is favorable wind blowing from behind.
Many attribute the popularity of the word to Xiaomi founder Lei Jun, who famously said that Even a pig can fly if it can find a place in the eye of a storm.
Flying Pig Theory: 站在风口上,猪都能飞起来。
Pinyin: Zhàn zài fēngkǒu shàng zhū dōu néng fēi qǐlái.
Chinese: 生物医药,新能源是最近投资的风口。
Pinyin: Shēngwù yīyào, xīn néngyuán shì zuìjìn tóuzī de fēngkǒu.
English: Bio-medicine and new energy are hot sectors of recent investment trends.