Find out your Learning Style

Fill out the questionnaire below and we will send you answers and interpretation of your Chinese learning style.

0 = Never, 1 = Occasionally, 2 = Usually, 3 = Always
No. Description 0 1 2 3
1. At home I like to learn by reading in the foreign language.
2. I like to learn by watching and listening to native speakers.
3. I like to learn by playing games.
4. I like the teacher to explain everything to us.
5. I like to learn by using the language out of class.
6. At home I like to learn the language by studying books.
7. I like the teacher to let me find my mistakes.
8. I like to learn by having conversations.
9. I want to write everything in my notebook.
10. I like to learn by using audio Apps.
11. I like to have my own textbook.
12. I like my teacher to give us problems to work on.
13. I like to learn words by hearing them.
14. I like to study a foreign language by myself.
15. At home I like to learn by watching TV or videos in the language.
16. In class I like to listen to and use audios.
17. I like to learn the language by talking in pairs.
18. In class I like to learn by looking at pictures, films and videos.
19. I like to learn words in the foreign language by seeing them.
20. I like to meet other students to practice the language.
21. I like studying the structure of the language.
22. I like to learn by talking to friends in the language.
23. In class I like to learn by reading.
24. I like to study grammar.