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Business Mandarin DVD

Business Chinese Video for Intermediate and Advanced Learners

dalaobanFilmed entirely on location in China, the Business Chinese Video Series is a professional interactive video production that closely resembles a dramatized reality TV program. Called ‘Dà LǎoBǎn' (Big Boss), the series teaches commonly used Chinese business phrases and terminology and is based around the story of a General Manager who puts his four managers through a series of tests to determine who will become the next ‘big boss’. The tests cover all 24 most common business situations of doing business in China. Two presenters then help guide the viewer through the teaching process, one scenario at a time.

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Study Chinese on Your iPhone/iPod Touch

Chinese Video Course 1 - New Concept Mandarin's Survival Chinese Video Course is designed to teach Survival Mandarin from the very beginning. The video course teaches Survival Mandarin communication skills in a total of 30 quality lessons. Survival 1 Course includes ten topics: numbers, money, politeness, courtesy, introduction, job, yourself, question, Mandarin and time. Upon completing this level, you should be able to talk with native Mandarin speakers in many "survival situations".

CHINESE VIDEO COURSE 2 - New Concept Mandarin's Survival Chinese Video Course is designed to teach Survival Mandarin from the very beginning. The video course teaches Survival Mandarin communication skills in a total of 30 quality lessons. Survival 2 Course includes eight interesting and useful topics. After the study of this course, you will be able to talk with the Chinese people in more daily life and work situations, such as talking about the weather, hobbies, business trips, travelling, making phone calls, scheduling and asking for directions.

CHINESE VIDEO COURSE 3 - New Concept Mandarin's Survival Chinese Video Course is designed to teach Survival Mandarin from the very beginning. The video course teaches Survival Mandarin communication skills in a total of 30 quality lessons. Survival 3 focus on eight topics: food and drinks, entertaining guests, eating at a restaurant, entertainment, daily Life, shopping, living in China and feelings. Upon completion of this course, learners are able to satisfy everyday transactional needs and limited social needs, using conversational Chinese.

Study Chinese on Your iPad

CHINESE VIDEO COURSE 1 HD - New Concept Mandarin's Survival Chinese Video Course is designed to teach Survival Mandarin from the very beginning. The video course teaches Survival Mandarin communication skills in a total of 30 quality lessons. Survival 1 Course includes ten topics: numbers, money, politeness, courtesy, introduction, job, yourself, question, Mandarin and time. Upon completing this level, you should be able to talk with native Mandarin speakers in many "survival situations".

CHINESE VIDEO COURSE 2 HD - New Concept Mandarin's Survival Chinese Video Course is designed to teach Survival Mandarin from the very beginning. The video course teaches Survival Mandarin communication skills in a total of 30 quality lessons. Survival 2 Course includes eight interesting and useful topics. After the study of this course, you will be able to talk with the Chinese people in more daily life and work situations, such as talking about the weather, hobbies, business trips, travelling, making phone calls, scheduling and asking for directions.

CHINESE VIDEO COURSE 3 HD - New Concept Mandarin's Survival Chinese Video Course is designed to teach Survival Mandarin from the very beginning. The video course teaches Survival Mandarin communication skills in a total of 30 quality lessons. Survival 3 Course includes eight topics: food and drinks, entertaining guests, eating at a restaurant, entertainment, daily Life, shopping, living in China and feelings. Upon completion of this course, learners are able to satisfy everyday transactional needs and limited social needs, using conversational Chinese.

Chinese Culture Apps

易经导航 - 学习易经---台湾傅佩荣教授说易经“不学一定不会,学了不一定会,学会终身受用“ 易经导航 帮助我们随时随地学习易经,通过操练,熟悉易经的卦象,卦辞,爻辞,以开阔我们的视野,增长我们的智慧。
指点迷津---占卦不是算命也不是迷信。易经占卦启发我们对目前的处境和未来发展作出理性的思考与选择。愿你通过 易经导航 随时随地占一卦以避开生活的盲点,走出时局的迷津。

易经系辞传 - 《易经》犹如一个迷宫,大多数学习者涉足《易经》都会选择放弃, 因此能够读懂易经者寥寥无几。系辞传《系辞传》有助于从整体上把握《易经》。《系辞传》从哲学的高度阐述了《易经》的产生及来源,《易经》与天地宇宙的关系,《易经》卦象的构成及《易经》的功能。

YIJING NAVIGATOR - Study Yijing --- Yijing is the root source of Chinese culture and wisdom. Very few people can really understand Yijing because it is to hard to read. However, if you finally master it, you will benefit from it for your whole lifetime. This Yijing Navigator is a convenient tool for you to understand and practice Yijing.
Divination --- Yijing is not fortune telling or superstition. But we all may have some blind spots in life that we cannot see. Yijing has the prediction power to help you to avoid these blind spots in life and get out of the maze. It is in this sense that Yijing Navigator has the power of divination.

Chinese Pronunciation

What is Pinyin?

Chinese is not a phonetic language. The pronunciation is not related to the writing of Chinese words (characters). A special tool called Pinyin (pronouncing the sound) is created for people to learn Mandarin pronunciation. Pinyin is a way to transcribe Chinese characters so people can pronounce it. The writing of Pinyin is similar to English alphabet.

If you listen carefully you will find Chinese is a very beautiful language as it has more musical sounds (vowels) than noise (consonants). Except for nasal sound like "n" and "m", all Chinese syllables ends with vowels. So we call them "Final Sounds". The consonants at the beginning of a syllable are called "Initial Sounds".

Most of Mandarin sounds are Easy for English speaker to pronounce but some sounds are Difficult and require more practice.

Chinese Tones

Chinese is a tonal language. Tones are the changes of the pitch in pronunciation of a syllable. There are 4 tones in Mandarin Chinese. Each Chinese word (character) carries a tone. Different tones carry different meanings. Click on the Pinyin in the table below and see if you can hear different tones.

Mandarin Pronunciation Table

All Mandarin sounds (syllables) are listed in this pronunciation table. Click on Pinyin to learn and improve your Mandarin pronunciation.

Stories of Characters

What is a stroke? Do you know why the Chinese characters are written as these forms? See the stories below and learn more.

Chinese Reading and Writing

What are the Chinese Characters?

Chinese people read and write characters (not pinyin) in their daily life. Characters are originated from pictures, symbols and ideas. You can find interesting stories behind each character. For example, 日( sun) comes from the picture of the sun, 月(moon) from moon , and 明 is the combination of the sun and the moon. So the meaning of 明 is bright.

What are the Stroke Orders?

Characters are formed by strokes. Stroke is the beginning and ending of the movement of a pen. There is a fixed sequence of the strokes when composing a Chinese character. It is important to follow the stroke order when you write Chinese. Experience tells us you can remember much better if you write characters in the right stroke order.

You can find an online Chinese dictionary here. If you type English or pinyin, your computer will find the Chinese characters and read them for you.