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Chinese Sound Drills

35 Finals

Finals Similar Chinese Meaning
a a (ah) mother
ai i (like) ài love
ao ow (how) hǎo good
an un (run) kàn look
ang pingpong bāng help
o (uo) o (or) I
ou o (so) dōu all
ong ong (long) lóng dragon
e e (her) drink
ei ei (eight) běi north
en urn (turn) hěn very
eng No similar lěng cold
er ar (car) èr two
i (y) e (he) one
ia ya (yahoo) xià down
iao ao (ciao) xiǎo small
ian ian (Ian) tiān sky
iang young yáng sheep
ie ye (yes) jiě sister
iou (iu) eo (Leo) yǒu have
in in (bin) yīn music
ing ing (sing) líng zero
iong No similar qióng poor
u (w) oo (room) no
ua wa (watt) huā flower
uai y (why) kuài fast
uan one wán play
uang oo + ang wáng king
uo (o) or guó country
ui (uei) way (way) wéi hello
un oo (en) wèn ask
ü (yu) ee + oo fish
ue (yue) ü + e yuè moon
ün (yun) ü + n yún cloud
üan (yuan) üe + n yuán dollar

21 Initials

Initials Similar Chinese Meaning
b b (bed) eight
p p (pad) scared
m m (my) rice
f f (far) fēi fly
d d (door) duō many
t t (tea) he
n n (new) you
l l (love) lái come
g g (go) gǒu dog
k k (key) kāi open
h h (hi) hǎo good
j j (jar) jiā home
q ch (cheese) seven
x sh (she) west
z ds (regards) zǎo early
c ts (students) cài dish
s s (see) sān three
zh ds (cards) zhè this
ch ts (students) chē car
sh sh (shoe) shì be
r r (rude) day